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Multiparametric Prostate MRI

  • What is Multiparametric Prostate MRI?

    In the world and our country, approximately one out of every six men is diagnosed with prostate cancer throughout his life. It has an important place in the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer. Multiparametric Prostate MRI is the most sensitive non-invasive radiological imaging technique in the detection of prostate cancer.

    Why is Multiparametric Prostate MRI Performed?

    By scoring the parameters obtained with Multiparametric Prostate MR, patients are tried to be diagnosed at an early stage. Thanks to this method, the tumor location can be determined more clearly.

    Does Prostate Cancer Cause Symptoms?

    an early stage. For this reason, methods such as multiparametric prostate MRI can be preferred. In some cases, problems with urination have been reported as a symptom of prostate cancer. However, conditions such as difficulty urinating, burning sensation, and blood in the semen can also be a symptom of another illness. Benign prostate enlargement and some infections can be the cause. For this reason, the reporting and analyses to be made as a result of the examinations are important.

    Information Provided by Multiparametric Prostate MRI

    An increase in the level of PSA in the blood is typically the first sign of the presence of prostate cancer. Following this, biopsy samples are taken from the prostate gland with special needles under ultrasound guidance. However, PSA values that remain abnormally high or continue to increase even if cancer is not diagnosed with the biopsy result may cause the suspicion of cancer to continue. Multiparametric Prostate MRI, which is a new imaging technique, can make important contributions to those who have a negative biopsy procedure but have a high PSA value or have a normal PSA value but have cancer risk.

    Multiparametric prostate MRI consists of 5 main components:

    – High-resolution MRI images,,

    – Diffusion MRI,

    – ADC mapping,

    – Perfusion MRI,

    – MRI Spectroscopy.

    During multiparametric prostate MRI, all these components are used to diagnose the presence of a tumor, whether the existing tumor extends beyond the prostate gland and whether there is a spread to other organs, and contributes to the staging of the tumor (early stage, late stage, etc.) in the same examination.