Personal information:
Nevit Dilmen was born in 1964.
He graduated from Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1991.
He continued his specialization training in the same institution: Department of Radiology, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine.
He completed his compulsory service in Idil district of Şırnak.
His areas of interest include:
– “Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences”, Istanbul/Çağlayan, Dr. Nevit Dilmen, Editor and Chapter Author
– “New Generation Technologies in Health”, Ankara/Akademisyen Publishing House, Dr. Nevit Dilmen, Chapter Author
– Smoking habits among physicians
Smoking habits among physicians in Istanbul and their attitudes regarding anti-smoking legislation Mehmet Atilla UYSAL, Nevit DİLMEN, Levent KARASULU, Tunçalp DEMİR, Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2007; 55(4): 350-355
Dr. Nevit Dilmen
Phone: +90 216 349 51 00
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