Yapay Zeka Asistanı

Computed Tomography

  • Computed Tomography (CT) examination is the imaging of all or part of your body through X-rays and using a computer. During the CT examination, X-rays passing through your body are recorded by electronic detectors. These detectors send the information to the computer and the information is converted into an image. Contrary to the MRı system, claustrophobia usually does not occur in CT scanners and the duration of examinations is short.

    256-Slice Computed Tomography (CT)

    Multislice CT uses a large number of detectors, allowing these operations to occur in seconds. The 256-Slice CT devices used in our center allow us to perform many examinations currently used in the world. 256-Slice Computed Tomography is a technology preferred by most physicians for CT scans.

    Sonomed Bilgisayarlı Tomografi

    Why 256-Slice Computed Tomography?

    At Sonomed, CT examinations are performed by physicians who are experts in their field, using today’s technology, with over 50,000 computerized tomography examination experience since 1996. Multi-Slice (256-Slice) Computed Tomography Computed Spiral Tomography: This system, which works with X-rays, guides us in the diagnosis of some diseases and guides the treatment. Some of the examinations require preparation (even a day in advance). Even the longest examination does not exceed a few minutes. All computerized tomography examinations are given to our patients as written on CD together with the films. Images are archived in the PACS system and delivered to our center physicians whenever needed for comparison purposes or upon the request of our patient.


    Zen Room Experience in CT Examination

    Since its establishment, Sonomed has been continuing its technological developments within the framework of policies that respect nature and the environment. The GE 256-Slice computed tomography device has positive effects not only on image quality but also on the environment. With less energy consumption and X-ray emission, a technology that supports both nature and humans has been developed. This technology has been combined with the Zen Room to spatially complement and unify it.

    bilgisayarlı tomografi Zen Odası Sonomed

    Why Does Device Difference Matter?

    256-Slice and fast CT devices reduce examination time and do not allow imaging interference due to motion, or rapid breathing discomfort. These devices allow functional information to be obtained because their speed is close to the speed of important functions in the body. It allows the visualization of structures that are small and affected by heart rate, such as the vessels feeding the heart.

    How long will the examination take?

    This depends on the type of examination and your disease. However, from the moment you enter the room, it takes approximately 10-20 minutes if late images are not required.

    What will happen during the examination?

    When you enter the CT room, you will be asked to lie down on the examination table. This table will move in and out inside a round scanner with both ends open as images of your body are taken. During the examination, you will be asked to lie down calmly and sometimes follow some special breathing instructions. In some cases, if necessary, the examination can be repeated with an intravenous contrast material for a better image.

    What will happen or how will I feel after the examination?

    After the examination, you can return to your daily work. If you have been given intravenous contrast material during the examination, you can increase your liquid food intake to help the substance leave your body quickly.